The Literacy Center
To the world you may be only one person, but to one person you may be the world.
- Heather Cortez
Our Programs
Friends' programs: The Literacy Center, The Scholarship Program, Mentoring, and Resource Events are guided by our mission to empower the children and families of Watts through
education, advocacy, and enrichment.
In all of its endeavors, Friends is motivated by humanitarian ideals and spiritual values.

The Literacy Center (students grades 1-5, tutors grades 9-12) serves 80 students and trains and mentors 25-30 teen tutors each year;
Scholarships (grades K-12) Currently Friends allocates $22K for elementary students and $52K for high school students;
Mentorship (grades 9-12) Program helps high school students improve study habits, navigate college application process, and grow into adulthood;
English as a Second Language (ESL) Provide free ESL classes to 20+ adults.
Legal Aid Sponsor quarterly legal aid clinics attended by approximately 90 individuals a session since 2001;
Referrals Provide advocacy and referral help to families dealing with legal and social problems, serving about 200 families a year since 1999;
Medical services provided on our campus. This year 50 women have received no cost mammograms provided by our partnerships with the Watts Health Mobile Mammography Coach, and 500+ children are receiving vision and dental care from QueensCare Mobile Programs.
Cultural outings for over 400 students;
College Campus Tours (grades 9-12) Visit local SoCal campuses;
Host College Panel and other College Events throughout the year;
Donate books, resource materials, and computers as needed to students and families. Computer count is 200+ to date;
Partner with health professionals to bring quality vision, dental and women's health care to over 300 children and 50 women per year.